“The original old cement is new again, natural pozzolan is back to stay!”

MX Pozzolan
MX POZZOLAN is a mining operation in Mexico owned and operated by PetroblocksBC S. de RL. de C.V., a private mineral exploration, development, and marketing company. The company owns the largest deposits of natural Pozzolan in the State of Guerrero, Mexico. The deposit is of maximum quality Pozzolan, it has high-value applications in the cement, building products, agricultural, and environmental remediation industries.

Pozzolan, a material for sustainable green construction.

The mine is strategically located in the south-central portion of Mexico near Acapulco, 208 miles from Toluca rail station for the CPKC Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern Canada-US-Mexico Railroad, that reaches the US and Canada, is located 250 miles from the Port of Lazaro Cardenas in the Pacific Ocean, we can reach the western US, Canada, all Central America and the pacific side of South America, and the Asian Pacific countries and located 373 miles from the Port of Veracruz in the Gulf of Mexico, to cover Texas, the East coast, the Caribbean, and the eastern part of South America and further in the Atlantic.
Pozzolans can be used to control setting, increase durability, reduce cost and reduce pollution without significantly reducing the final compressive strength or other performance characteristics.
“Pozzolan will reduce CO2 emissions from cement manufacturing plants”, these emissions are significant, estimated at around 7% globally.

The major focus of CO2 reduction in the cement industry is on naturally pozzolanic materials such as a group of raw materials referred to as calcined clays – naturally occurring clay deposits that are ‘pozzolanic’. The term Pozzolanic derives from the Roman use of volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli near Naples from where the Romans derived the original cement. The science of cement was lost during the fall of the Roman Empire and was only rediscovered in the 1600s. Calcined clay pozzolans can be used to replace a proportion (up to 30%) of the cement clinker and are produced at a lower temperature than clinker for ordinary portland cement OPC. This is a reduction of CO2 both in the process emissions of clinker calcination as well as the energy required for the kiln. This substitution alone is expected a reduction of 5-8% in total CO2 by 2050 and represents a 30% decrease in the carbon footprint of OPC.

“The original old cement is new again, natural pozzolan is back to stay!”

MXPozzolan is a new proud member of:
is owned and operated by:
Petroblocks BC, S de RL. de C.V.